Munich, Germany

Month: November 2019

A ceasefire is born

After passionate debates during moderated and unmoderated caucus, after many secret handwritten notes passed across tables, after solving the issue of realistic behaviour, a ceasefire is born in the Yemeni peace talks committee.  It is difficult to say, how strongly this agreement was influenced by this one message, delivered via express courier across the room.…
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Climate change and the concept of adaptation

During the ACP-EU Summit debate sessions, the delegates seemed to disagree about the precise definition of climate change adaptation, and particularly about the concept of “adaptation”, leading to oppositions and intense discussions between delegations. According to the delegate of the Solomon Islands, the issue of climate change adaptation can be defined as the need to…
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“What is the name of this committee again?”

Small clarification at UNHRC yesterday afternoon. “What is the name of the committee?” said the Chairs to open the afternoon session. Delegates looked up, surprised. “Human Rights Council?”. “Yes right” continued the Chairs “Not Security Council or whatever”. It seems that the HRC has lost track of their subject. They are supposed to focus on…
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The Not-so-shy delegates

This is their first participation, they don’t feel comfortable speaking in English, or they simply prefer to think before acting: it doesn’t stop the “silent” delegates thinking. Every MUN is a lot of excitement and learning. This is an incredible moment to make new friends, practice its diplomacy skills and enjoy an international experience. However,…
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Maritime security: not all in the same boat

The Strait of Hormuz is a crooked stretch of water whose diminutive size is vastly outweighed by its extreme political and logistical significance. Twisted between a jutting peninsula shared by the United Arab Emirates and Oman, and crushed beneath the curving southern coast of Iran, the strait is at times barely 39km wide. And a…
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Words from our brain

“Words are powerful!” – emphasized Stephen Ibelli, Public Affairs Chief of the US Consul in Munich, during the opening ceremony of IsarMUN 2019. It seems words are the only solution in a globalized and intertwined world, where human made complexity is not graspable anymore. Because of the extent of globalization and trading dependencies, words are…
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Over-caffeinated? Hungover? Raring to go? 10 delegates rate their energy levels

We are smack in the middle of the IsarMUN 2019. Half the debates and two out of three socials are behind us. How are your energy levels doing? Did you get more than three hours sleep last night? Was that last drink really a good idea? And did the coffee this morning help you out…
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UN Women Committee: Negotiations are speeding up

Debates heated up, things are moving at UN Women and you’re not prepared. As general speakers’ speeches came in quick succession this morning, we feel that something is happening. Delegates of UN Women have gained confidence and debates have heated up. The delegate of South Africa said: “South Africa is ready to work with Ireland…
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Historical Security Council: Big lesson of diplomacy

The Historical Security Council is working hard to find a resolution concerning the aftermath of the Six Days War between Israel and its neighbours in 1967. Various draft resolutions have been submitted and the discussion goes on between motivated and involved delegates. This advanced committee offers a significant vision of diplomacy and negotiations process in…
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Best-dressed IsarMUN delegates

Who said that being a delegate in a Model United Nations implied to be boring fashionably-speaking? Since the beginning of IsarMUN 2019, many delegates proved that diplomatic debates were not incompatible with stylish outfits. Their success in showing that a formal dress code is not an obstacle to use their fashion skills must be acknowledged:…
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